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Violet Fairy Picture

fairy painting of violet butterfly Rachel M Brown

Violet Fairies under the Leaves

Watercolor on Cold Press Arches

In the spring, blooming violets crowd the hillside next to our lake. Because of the many heart-shaped leaves, small violet fairies can safely hide beneath the flowers. Fairies need water too, so whenever a spring shower passes over, the fairies gather around the water trickling down the hill.

Some people actually consider wild violets weeds! They suggest digging out the roots of the violets, and reseeding the ground with shade-loving grass. Many people think a yard planted with one single kind of grass is pretty, and they spend much of their free time picking out any plant they feel doesn't fit. But remember that violet fairies still need the plant, even after its blooms have passed. It doesn't seem fair to displace the fairies just to have a uniform lawn!

lowmgrin monarch fairy fairy on a horse black cat pumpkin fairy chrysanthemum fairy

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